
Bits and Pieces – 3 Birthday Cards!

Hello everyone!

I am so sorry that I haven’t been around much here or on social media… my internet is not working. It has been broken for a few weeks and isn’t due to get fixed until at least the 22nd of July. You can imagine this is driving me crazy… especially as we also haven’t had a car for 3 months, and our shower is leaking into the ceiling below, and the oven is working very well… All small things really but they all seem to be happening at once!

Anyway, I’ve come to borrow internet at a friend’s house (the lovely Rosie at Story Seeker), so I can write a couple of blog posts! Today’s post is about these cards…

Bits & Pieces Birthday Cards:

Bits & Pieces Birthday Cards by Jennifer Grace

I recently posted about my Craft Room Sort Out, but since then I’d found a couple of small boxes which still had a random mix of items that needed sorting out. As I needed a few birthday cards for some friends I decided to use some of the bits up before I tried to organise the rest of them! Here are the boxes of bits:


Here’s the box on the left all tipped out:


To help me choose which Bits & Pieces to use I chose 3 different 6×6 papers for the background of my cards:


And then I could select some items which matched the colours on the papers:


I cut the papers down, and played around with the bits to see what I could fit on my cards:


Then I cleared them off to add the sentiments / stamping:


And put it all back together again:

Bits & Pieces Birthday Cards by Jennifer Grace

I like how these have an eclectic mix of interesting details, which I would never have thought of using together if I wasn’t trying to use up some stash!

Do you ever sort through some old stash like this? If you need more inspiration I will be back with an old stash layout on Saturday (the 19th July). See you then!

Jennifer x

9 thoughts on “Bits and Pieces – 3 Birthday Cards!”

  1. Hey Jennifer, I wondered where you were! Love these cards, what a great way to use up those odds and ends – I must try this myself. Hope your techy problems are all sorted out soon x


  2. Yay!! Sooo good to see you back and really hope you get all the broken/not working stuff sorted soon!! Great cards – love the pink & green (with butterfly) especially! xx


  3. Loving these cards Jennifer. I love saving odd bits to use – I find it challenging and satisfying so the idea of using an eclectic mix like this appeals to me.


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